Running Game Servers
Server | Gametype | Map | Players | Frag limit | Time limit |
Rambos_Server_DE |
Deathmatch | Emerald | 0 / 8 | 20 | 15 |
xiii.opaquit.com_2 |
Deathmatch | USS-Patriot | 0 / 16 | 40 | 59 |
InsideXIII.com_2 |
Capture the Flag | TheBattle | 0 / 12 | 120 | 59 |
InsideXIII.com_1 |
Capture the Flag | CTF Sanc | 0 / 12 | 160 | 59 |
MapVoteServer |
Deathmatch | Hualpar | 0 / 8 | 20 | 15 |
Rambos_Server_US |
Deathmatch | Docks | 0 / 8 | 20 | 15 |
How to Join
Via IP Join
Download XIII IP Join and copypaste the IP from this site. You can customize your appearance in the game.

- Write down the IP.
- Start the game.
- Press F2, type in SWITCHLEVEL and the noted IP address and press return. You should be connecting to the server.
How to Host
Required ports to forward: 7099 (ping lamp) and 7777 (connect to server), both UDP.
- Download the Standalone Dedicated XIII Server and the Update Files 2018.
- Unpack it wherever you like and open its System folder.
- Launch a game session by using UCC.exe with the appropriate parameters. (description below)
- server < UCC can execute various "commandlets". The "server" commandlet is the one for launching a server.
- "MapFile" < Has no parameter naming. Literally the name of the map file, i.e. DM_LostTemple.unr
- MapName < Map name to be displayed
- NP < Number of players
- FF < Friendly fire
- FR < Points limit
- TI < Time limit
- Game < Gametype (PackageName.GameInfoClass)
- GameIdx < Game name to be displayed (indicated by game index: 0-5)
- Mutator < Mutators to be used if any (usage: Mutator=Package1.Mutator1,Package2.Mutator2)
- ServerName < Server name to be displayed
- AdminPassword < Password for administrator privileges (Kick, KickBan)
- GS < register as an online game server
- IsPrivate < (Y/N, switches password dialog on/off before login attempt, default: IsPrivate=N)
Optional Parameters
- -INI < Use different core settings than those from XIII.ini (i.e. -INI=CustomXIII.ini)
- -LOG < Use a different file to log to (i.e. -LOG=../Logs/11_05_2011_1337.log)
- -PORT < Use a different port (default: 7777)
Example (copy that for your own adjustments)
UCC server DM_LostTemple.unr?MapName=Lost_Temple?NP=16?FF=0?FR=200?TI=60?Game=XIIIMP.XIIIMPTeamGameInfo?GameIdx=1?Mutator=?ServerName=DedicatedServer?AdminPassword=admin?GS=1?IsPrivate=N -PORT=7777
As a server hoster, be sure to have following entries in your XIII.ini (not mandatory to be in this order):
- [Engine.GameEngine]
ServerActors=IpDrv.RegisterServerToUbiCom- ServerActors=IpDrvPlus.MasterServerUplink
- [LibHTTP.HttpSock]
- [IpDrv.TcpNetDriver]
- AllowDownloads=True
- DownloadManagers=IpDrv.HTTPDownload
- DownloadManagers=Engine.ChannelDownload
- [IpDrv.HTTPDownload]
- RedirectToURL=
- UseCompression=True
If you've installed the standalone server correctly, the settings should already be set as needed.
Note for hosting on Linux: To execute UCC.exe, install wine and execute the commandline like that: "wine UCC.exe server DM_Banque.unr?..."
Gametype modificators
- XIDMaps.PRock01aMutator - no weapon on spawn
- XIIIMP.MarioMutator - turn all pickup items to Power Up ones
Example: Team Power Up
To show the correct gametype in the server overview.
- 0 Deathmatch
- 1 Team Deathmatch
- 2 Capture The Flag
- 3 The Hunt
- 4 Sabotage
- 5 Power Up
Winslow Bank | DM_Banque.unr |
Platform 02 | DM_Base_XBox.unr |
Platform 03 | DM_Base.unr |
AFM-10 | DM_Base2.unr |
Emerald | DM_Hual1.unr |
FBI | DM_Amos.unr |
Bristol Suites | DM_Pal.unr |
SPADS | DM_Spads_XBox.unr |
SPADS 2 | DM_Spads.unr |
Plain Rock | DM_PRock.unr |
Warehouse 33 | DM_Warehouse.unr |
USS-Patriot | CTF_Base.unr |
XX | CTF_Sanc.unr |
Kellownee | CTF_Snow.unr |
New York | CTF_Toits.unr |
Temple | CTF_Temple.unr |
Docks | SB_USA2.unr |
Docks | DM_USA2_demo.unr |
Choland | SB_Hual1a.unr |
Camp | SB_Camp.unr |
Hualpar | DM_Hual04a.unr |
Asylum | DM_PRock01a.unr |
USA | DM_USA01.unr |
SS-419 | DM_SM01.unr |
Lost Temple | DM_LostTemple.unr |